Category: Testing

3 years ago • 8 min read time

Recently, I received a request to test an app’s responsiveness with a constant load of several thousand concurrent users. Out of nowhere, a simple open-source load testing tool caught my attention — k6.

3 years ago • 6 min read time

Most of us will agree that working with JS testing frameworks is fun. Within several days or even hours, you can utilize several libraries, get the work done and impress…

4 years ago • 7 min read time

To date, almost all QA Engineers have been testing Web and Mobile applications almost exclusively. But have you ever thought of Windows Desktop application test automation? I believe the thought…

4 years ago • 7 min read time

Before we begin, allow me to share a story hiding behind the Framework.  At Maestral, we always strive for quality and constant improvement of our processes. Recently, we decided to…

4 years ago • 8 min read time

Selenium 4 is launching “soon”. The most exciting news: Selenium will be W3C standardized.  Browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari are all following W3C standardization, so from now on browser…

4 years ago • 3 min read time

Is Selenium WebDriver (with or without additional libraries such as DotNetSeleniumExtras.PageObjects) your testing tool of choice?If so, I imagine built the page classes most likely look something like this: A…

4 years ago • 5 min read time

A Very Short History Lesson  The QA role in a scrum team has changed considerably over the last decade.In the beginning, we were mostly using several testing tools and did everything…

5 years ago • 10 min read time

Looking back: Microsoft Coded UI  A few years back I was engaged in an enterprise automation-testing project with an existing automation solution Microsoft Coded UI testing framework. I really loved using…

5 years ago • 10 min read time

If you use Selenium Web Driver and C# as your automation tools for creating and maintaining automation scripts for on-demand/automated web application testing, but dread detailed testing reports you re…

5 years ago • 10 min read time

Speeding up the test execution process is on every test engineer s mind when working with a custom Selenium framework. Even more so if you re working on a long…

5 years ago • 6 min read time

As testing engineers, we often live through some bothersome scenarios. I am sure everyone can relate to the following situation: you are maintaining an automation test that keeps failing in a…

5 years ago • 7 min read time

Software testing in complex, large-scale software systems When working in a scrum team, QAs spend as much time working on potential failure detection as the actual software testing. Keeping in…

5 years ago • 9 min read time

A solid software product has to be intuitive, scalable, fast and reliable. Once these ABC s of the product are ensured, it s important we put some heavy load on…

5 years ago • 10 min read time

In the following tutorial I m going to show you how to create your own Selenium WebDriver C# automation framework with the help of four design patterns: Page Object pattern…

5 years ago • 5 min read time

Introduction Most of you probably heard that more and more people are using Microsoft.NET Core technology. .NET Core was created as an open source, cross-platform so it can be used in…

6 years ago • 8 min read time

No matter how many tests you ve run, once your application is nearly complete, there s really only one way to know whether or not your software can handle the…

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