Category: Tech

4 years ago • 3 min read time

Improved collaboration and access to information are some of the chief benefits of corporate digitization; yet, many digital initiatives fail to fully deliver on this promise. That failure is typically…

4 years ago • 3 min read time

While each company may have its own reasons for being at risk of developing digital silos, there is one silo-creating trend that seems more common and widespread than all others…

4 years ago • 14 min read time

Introduction: The dreadful CMS trade-off Modern web is all about great performance. If you ve been in this industry for a little while, you ll have likely heard about how…

4 years ago • 2 min read time

Maestral dominated the Sandoz Hackathome 2020! The Hackathome The event, described as a collaborative movement to reimagine access to healthcare, helping improve people’s lives around the world , took place…

4 years ago • 8 min read time

A system steadily growing in popularity Apache Kafka is a genuinely likable name in the software industry; decision-makers in large organizations appreciate how easy handling big data becomes, while developers…

5 years ago • 3 min read time

HCareers the largest hospitality recruitment and career platform in North America Virgil Holdings Inc. owns and operates HCareers, the world s most comprehensive career navigation, and recruiting platform. The HCareers…

6 years ago • 5 min read time

Topic modeling & Anomaly detection IntroductionWe are living in the age of data. Using the self-learning algorithms from the field of machine learning, we can turn this data into knowledge….

6 years ago • 9 min read time

Even though Augmented Reality (AR) is nothing new to the tech world with projects like Google tango and Vuforia, the rapid rise of the leading player Apple in this field is enviable. Their…

6 years ago • 3 min read time

The technology likely to have the greatest impact on the future of the world economy has arrived, and it s not self-driving cars, solar energy, or artificial intelligence. It s…

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