Category: Culture

In the public eye, mergers and acquisitions take place only for a brief moment in the spotlight: entity A joins entity B, some big numbers might be mentioned, and that’s…

2 years ago • 4 minutes min read time

When people come first, everything else falls easily into place. This mentality is what helped us build Maestral’s culture and nurture it throughout the years. It’s reflected in our core…

3 years ago • 12 min read time

Onboarding is a well-known term and concept. It refers to the process that begins unfolding when a newcomer joins a company and starts adapting to their new role/job, team, leadership…

What are the essential components of the definition of business as an activity? Different definitions, including those found on Wikipedia and Cambridge Dictionary seem to converge on a few crucial…

3 years ago • 11 min read time

Recent years have witnessed a steady rise in the public interest in mental health, particularly the intersection of mental health and work. Perhaps an all-time high was reached last year,…

3 years ago • 7 min read time

The most obvious (and important) difference between onsite and remote work is how people communicate. Compared to online mode, office-based work provides considerably more opportunities for direct (and most of…

4 years ago • 3 min read time

It s true, we love out-of-the-box thinkers. This is why we love working with the innovative and creative team from Mozaik Foundation. It is highly unlikely we have a meeting…

4 years ago • 4 min read time

Recoding the Matrix: How Maestral Leveraged a Traditional Structure to Develop a New Approach to Learning”, authored by Maestral s COO, Frank Torres, drew a sensible analogy between Maestral s…

4 years ago • 4 min read time

Have you ever been in a position where you were supposed to plan something on behalf of the whole group of people whom you also needed to engage in that…

4 years ago • 2 min read time

Maestral dominated the Sandoz Hackathome 2020! The Hackathome The event, described as a collaborative movement to reimagine access to healthcare, helping improve people’s lives around the world , took place…

4 years ago • 5 min read time

In this challenging and unprecedented period, even the most flexible companies wondered if they would adapt quickly enough to operating in an altered setting, weighing the pros and cons of…

4 years ago • 3 min read time

Companies doing software development are either: Technology companies, offering technology-as-a-service and/or technology products to clients and end users Tech-enabled companies, using tech services and products (sometimes off the shelf, but…

4 years ago • 4 min read time

Somewhat unexpectedly, the coronavirus pandemic has triggered a global conversation on mental health like few other events have done in the past. It ought to be counted as its most…

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