Category: Team and Process

HTEC Group, a global consulting, software engineering and digital product development company based in San Francisco, today announced that it has acquired Maestral Solutions together with its subsidiaries.  Joining forces…

3 years ago • 12 min read time

Onboarding is a well-known term and concept. It refers to the process that begins unfolding when a newcomer joins a company and starts adapting to their new role/job, team, leadership…

What are the essential components of the definition of business as an activity? Different definitions, including those found on Wikipedia and Cambridge Dictionary seem to converge on a few crucial…

3 years ago • 6 min read time

Jim Kaveney is the CEO of Volt Power, a leading provider of overhead and underground utility services. Maestral developed a solution that made it easier to consolidate data from multiple departments.

3 years ago • 6 min read time

Creating and continuously developing a successful organization starts with effective and inspiring leadership. John C. Maxwell once said: “The single biggest way to impact an organisation is to focus on…

4 years ago • 4 min read time

Being a Project Manager means always striving to bring out the best from projects; best from the time-frame you work with, best from colleagues, best from any unexpected situation or…

4 years ago • 4 min read time

Recoding the Matrix: How Maestral Leveraged a Traditional Structure to Develop a New Approach to Learning”, authored by Maestral s COO, Frank Torres, drew a sensible analogy between Maestral s…

4 years ago • 3 min read time

Improved collaboration and access to information are some of the chief benefits of corporate digitization; yet, many digital initiatives fail to fully deliver on this promise. That failure is typically…

4 years ago • 3 min read time

While each company may have its own reasons for being at risk of developing digital silos, there is one silo-creating trend that seems more common and widespread than all others…

4 years ago • 2 min read time

Maestral dominated the Sandoz Hackathome 2020! The Hackathome The event, described as a collaborative movement to reimagine access to healthcare, helping improve people’s lives around the world , took place…

4 years ago • 5 min read time

In this challenging and unprecedented period, even the most flexible companies wondered if they would adapt quickly enough to operating in an altered setting, weighing the pros and cons of…

4 years ago • 3 min read time

Imagine the following scenario: The most popular and highly visited film festival in Southeast Europe needs you to create a customized ticketing software. MVP deadline 2 months. You have a…

4 years ago • 3 min read time

Companies doing software development are either: Technology companies, offering technology-as-a-service and/or technology products to clients and end users Tech-enabled companies, using tech services and products (sometimes off the shelf, but…

5 years ago • 7 min read time

Contrary to popular belief, Waterfall is still alive and well (yes, even in software development). True, Agile as a delivery model has been winning “the battle” for quite some time…

5 years ago • 5 min read time

Over a year ago we embarked on an exciting journey with Virgil Holdings. Virgil takes great pride in being the largest community of hospitality talent at 5.7 million members and growing….

5 years ago • 3 min read time

HCareers the largest hospitality recruitment and career platform in North America Virgil Holdings Inc. owns and operates HCareers, the world s most comprehensive career navigation, and recruiting platform. The HCareers…

5 years ago • 8 min read time

Known as “the dark art”, software estimation torments everyone across different industries. There s no way around estimation, and there is no escaping it. In software development, things tend to…

5 years ago • 5 min read time

Retaining clients might be the only thing more challenging than obtaining them. Doing so in an ever-evolving, fast-paced environment such as the IT industry, makes this a “heavy category” mission….

5 years ago • 5 min read time

We ve reached the point where getting lost in the glow of a smartphone screen has become a cultural certitude, a new norm. The shift from the traditional areas such…

6 years ago • 4 min read time

Here s the truth about software development industry: technology alone is not enough and it never will be. Yes, writing clear and readable programs is important, but designing, writing, testing, and…

6 years ago • 5 min read time

According to the 2015 Standish Group Chaos Report, only 29% of projects were deemed successful while 19% of them failed. The situation hasn t changed much over the years. As the…

6 years ago • 5 min read time

This blog focuses on teams that specialize in developing software products. First things first: What is a distributed team? A group of people who work together but are separated by their…

6 years ago • 4 min read time

Whether it is due to frustration, creativity or combination of both, the modern age software industry is overflowing with ever-emerging frameworks and working methodologies. A few make money out of…

6 years ago • 3 min read time

What is the main prerequisite for successful conflict management? In my opinion, and in my experience, it s understanding the other person s perspective better than they understand it, and…

6 years ago • 4 min read time

5 Things We Do to Ensure High Employee Retention and Satisfaction As people, teams and companies too often we seem to get caught up in overthinking, overanalyzing and overcomplicating things…

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