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Unleash the potential of trending technologies

Digital transformation fundamentally changes how companies deliver value to their clients. The transformation can result in an integrated, strong and digitally-centric user experience, but getting there can be a highly demanding undertaking. A reliable partner will help you reduce risks, address uncertainties and support your endeavors every step of the way. Once you ve identified the key areas of business that are ready for digitalization, we can step in with the technical expertise needed to support the transformation initiatives. Digital transformation efforts are often characterized by limited resources and pressure around quickly demonstrating value. Maestral is an agile and experienced partner that utilizes the appropriate amount of planning to get to the desired results swiftly. Leveraging the power of IoT, Data Science and cloud-enabled solutions promises boosted efficiency, reduced costs and drives data-driven decision making. Let s work together to tackle the digitalization challenges ahead.

Trending Technologies

Unleash the potential of trending technologies

Digital transformation fundamentally changes how companies deliver value to their clients. The transformation can result in an integrated, strong and digitally-centric user experience, but getting there can be a highly demanding undertaking. A reliable partner will help you reduce risks, address uncertainties and support your endeavors every step of the way. Once you ve identified the key areas of business that are ready for digitalization, we can step in with the technical expertise needed to support the transformation initiatives. Digital transformation efforts are often characterized by limited resources and pressure around quickly demonstrating value. Maestral is an agile and experienced partner that utilizes the appropriate amount of planning to get to the desired results swiftly. Leveraging the power of IoT, Data Science and cloud-enabled solutions promises boosted efficiency, reduced costs and drives data-driven decision making. Let s work together to tackle the digitalization challenges ahead.


Engagement Model in Focus
Managed Services

To receive the necessary components to deliver on a product vision, we recommend our Managed Services offering. You get a complete team, dedicated solely to this engagement, that ensures product delivery goals are met, your infrastructure is up and running and that seamless deployment of code to production is in place. We define and agree on suitable communication channels, procedures and the optimal frequency to make sure you are well-informed at all times.


Agile Squads




Product Manager  
Product Owner  
Scrum Master
Technical Solutions Architect  
Business Analyst  
System Administration (Staging & Production)  
System Adminstration (Dev & Testing)  


Production Environment Admin  
Ongoing Support and Maintenance  
Production Deployments  
Release Management  
Product Security  

We make sure that our approach is tailored to your needs based on understanding your product goals. So, if Managed Services model is not quite right for you, we have other engagement options to explore here.

Practice Areas

Leverage our software development expertise to unleash the potential of trending technologies.

  • IoT
  • Data Science
  • Cloud Services

Internet of Things (IoT)

Take Control of an Expanding IoT Landscape

We build web and mobile client applications that seamlessly integrate with your IoT platform and allow you to monitor, manage, and control your connected devices. We are fully adept in building globally deployable, multi-tenant IoT services, and applications that spread across multiple businesses and diverse industries. These applications provide users the ability to interact with the visual and textual results of advanced analytics and machine learning models running on top of big data collected from smart devices.

With an eye toward simplifying complex problems into flexible and scalable solutions, our team leverages PaaS providers like AWS, Azure, and GCP to create a simple yet extendable architecture that enables incremental enhancements, smooth deployments, and platform revisions. This approach can reduce operational costs while providing real-time monitoring, alerts, and valuable insights.


Data Science

Bring Your Data to Life

Many companies find it challenging to effectively leverage the benefits of cloud computing, Infrastructure as a Service, and Platform as a Service providers like AWS, Azure, and GCP. Maestral can be your guide to properly architecting solutions for the cloud.

We can create a technical design and an implementation plan to enable your existing on-premise applications to benefit from underlying cloud services. Our team will design a cloud-enabled architecture that right-sizes infrastructure costs with application usage while simultaneously improving performance and resiliency. We can go even further by building Infrastructure as Code (IaC), leveraging tools like Terraform to enable versioning and cloud provider agnostic provisioning of your platform. This will make the development and management of software applications easier and more cost-effective.
Let us create your cloud enablement plan and then set it into action.


Cloud Services

Many companies find it challenging to effectively leverage the benefits of cloud computing platform providers like AWS, Azure, and GCP. Maestral can be your guide to properly architecting solutions for the cloud.

We can create a technical design and an implementation plan to enable your existing on-premise applications to benefit from underlying cloud services. Our team will design a cloud-enabled architecture that right-sizes infrastructure costs with application usage while simultaneously improving performance and resiliency. This will make the development and management of software applications easier and more cost-effective.

Let us create your cloud enablement plan and then set it into action.



We are organized to both complement and supplement your current development team. Engagement-specific Agile pods are loaded with the perfect mix of skills required for seizing the opportunities brought by trending technologies. In addition to development and quality assurance, we offer product management, UI/UX design, and DevOps to round out the services required for product delivery.

Project Management

Project Management

Strong project management is the key to ensuring a successful implementation. We understand that it involves not only managing tasks and timelines but also clear communication and leadership through the entire process.

UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design

Just like your customer, we think mobile and touch-first. Our UX Design group is focused on creating a delightful experience for your product users, with fewer clicks and taps



With continuous learning ingrained in our culture, our developers have dedicated themselves to perfecting their craft. Maestral supports this commitment through a comprehensive professional development program that ensures code quality remains high.



As an organization, we have fully adopted the DevOps philosophy and culture. Continuous integration, delivery, and deployment are a standard part of our engagements.



Quality is designed and written into software at the onset. Our QA team captures a complete and concise list of acceptance criteria. Automated testing helps us improve the reliability of delivery and increase the predictability of the outcome, so the final product is impeccable.

Data Science

Data Science

Our Data team can create meaningful visualizations built upon industry-proven analytical methods that provide near real-time insights to help you stay on top of your business.

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