Maestral Goody Bag

Welcome! We hope you are enjoying the FinTech South global conference!

Maestral is pleased to present three special offers to the conference participants.

You may be thinking of digital transformation, a new or an optimized product, changing a software vendor, or building a customized solution instead of paying for third party software. It may be something completely different, but if it concerns the need for a technical consultancy, pick one or more of the offers, and let’s have a conversation.

PoC or UX Prototype

25% OFF

Architecture Proof of Concept (Arch PoC) and UX Prototype engagements offer your team feedback and insights into product concepts. These insights tighten up the product definition and value proposition, as well as, mitigate technical risks.

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25% OFF

A Discover engagement ensures that your product concept is captured at the proper level of detail before the first lines of code are written. It is a 2-3 weeks multi-track effort aimed at producing artifacts which are essential for accurate planning, costing, and scheduling.

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Readiness Assessment


Product Roadmap Readiness Assessment is a cost-effective, one-week engagement designed to critically evaluate the operational, UX, and technical requirements for your product. It provides the assurance that you have settled on the right solution design and strategy following the product definition process.

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Maestral Goody Bag

  • Proof of Concept
  • Discover
  • Readiness Assessment


A Discover engagement ensures that your product concept is captured at the proper level of detail before the first lines of code are written. It is a 2-3 weeks multi-track effort aimed at producing artifacts which are essential for accurate planning, costing, and scheduling.  It rests on the premise that delivering the right solution requires in-depth understanding of product requirements and finding a balance between performance, security, and ease of use considerations.

A Discover engagement entails collaborative research into your goals and the product value proposition, fully taking into consideration your business strategy, budget, and timeline. It provides the initial outline for product development through its three main deliverables: product backlog, UX storyboard and architectural blueprint.


  1. Product Backlog

    We put in a lot of effort into completely understanding your product vision in order to pull together a well-prioritized list of the initial product requirements in the form of epics/user stories.

  2. UX Storyboard

    Based on the desired functionality of the software product, Maestral UX/UI designers collaborate with you to map out a powerful, intuitive and visually memorable user experience. The Design Sprint experience is very engaging and extremely effective.

  3. Architectural Blueprint

    We help you define the technical architecture components to ensure that the technical underpinnings of the solution support the forecasted demand while delivering on the promised value proposition.

Claim Discover

You will be contacted after our team reviews your application

Readiness Assessment

Product Roadmap Readiness Assessment is a cost-effective, one-week engagement designed to critically evaluate the operational, UX, and technical requirements for your product. It provides the assurance that you have settled on the right solution design and strategy following the product definition process.

Based on your specific situation, the Product Roadmap Readiness Assessment may consist of the following three separate assessment deliverables: cloud enablement strategy, UX design and architectural validation.


  1. Cloud Enablement

    Cost-effective scaling with a cloud platform is best realized after defining the suitable cloud architecture and the right migration strategy. The assessment process ensures that your strategy can properly support your product-related operations and that you’re able to effectively leverage PaaS services to balance cost considerations with increasing loads.

  2. User Experience Design

    The assessment process evaluates the extent to which your UX design conforms to user-centered design principles and whether they provide a useful, purposeful and intuitive user experience. It offers insights on how to adapt your design to deliver higher value to the target audience, facilitate product adoption and inspire user loyalty.

  3. Architectural Solution

    The assessment validates your architecture can scale to handle peak user traffic and tests its ability to balance resilience with adaptability to change. It includes a security risk assessment and provides options for addressing these risks. It also includes design suggestions that will lower the cost and effort of ongoing enhancements and maintenance0.

Claim Assessment

You will be contacted after our team reviews your application

Proof of Concept

Architecture Proof of Concept

An Architecture Proof of Concept engagement verifies the technical feasibility of your product. This engagement helps mitigate the risk of technical challenges derailing product development. We provide evidence that the identified technologies can be combined to deliver the product concept. If roadblocks are encountered, we will seek alternative options to accomplish the desired objective.

UX Prototype

We storyboard a user experience and then construct a clickable UX Prototype. This UX Prototype allows users to experience a product concept early and validates that it will resonate with the target audience prior to making a large investment.  The user feedback is then leveraged to further crystallize the product vision.



Validates tehnical assumptions / feasibility  -
Validates technology selection  -
Helps prioritize development risks  -
Simulates the product  -
Includes product design  -
 Includes testing usability  -

Claim PoC

You will be contacted after our team reviews your application

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